32nd Annual Native American Festival Special Attractions

These are some of our special attractions that will be featured at our upcoming 32nd Annual Native American Festival:

  • Nanjemoy Creek Environmental Education Center
  • Zotigh Singers
  • Drew Shuptar-Rayvis — Cultural Ambassador of the Pocomoke Indian Nation
  • Angela Gladue — Frog Lake First Nation
  • Leigh Huntemann & Raven’s Wing Gang
  • Native America’s Protectors
  • Flutist Doug Blair
  • Nate May — Fire Devil Sticks
  • Schirra & Dorothy Gray — Piscataway
  • Medicine Horse Drummers

Also expected to be in attendance:

  • Chief Tyler — Accohannock
  • Chief Morabito — Assateague
  • Chief Tayac — Piscataway
  • Chief Howard — Pocomoke

No pets, drugs, alcohol, or attitudes.

Service animals are welcome.